Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I Need Another Nap

I'm getting sleepy.

Awww no one is in my spot.
Perfect, this blanket is comfortable.

My Favorite Treat

I love ice cubes.

Busted Again

Please let me back inside the house. I promise I won't chew up anything else.

She's in my favorite spot

This is Loren, she's in my spot. She's home from school.
If she's in my spot she might as well play with me.

Please play with me!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

He's in My Favorite Spot

This is Ryan. I guess I'll let him sit in my spot, he's cool.

He feeds me, fills my water bowl, plays with me in the yard, and best of all he's a good back scratcher.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I think I'm Busted Again!

It was raining again, so I played in the mud.

Do you think they will notice?

I hope Don doesn't give me another bath.
I don't like water.

I Need Another Nap

The bath made me very tired.
Don took my spot on the couch.
So I'll just lay on him.

He's not a bad pillow.

I Really Don't Like the Water!

I was outside playing in the mud. Joy wouldn't let come inside unless I had a bath.
I really don't like water!
Oh no! Don wants to do something to me with that towel

Maybe if I shake really hard, Don won't chase after me with that towel!
I'd rather be chewing up the towel!
Oh no! Don won!
I'd better rethink playing in the mud!

I'm Busted!

I'm not suppose to be on Don and Joy's bed.

A Day at the Beach

Don and Megan took me for a ride in the car to this place they called the beach.

The ground was squishy and water kept chasing me!
I don't think I like the water.
And sand kept getting on my nose.

I'm Trying to Take a Nap Here!

So what if I have long tongue.

I'm trying to take a nap here!

They are still laughing at me!

Nap Time ~ Again

Oh no, I'm falling, thank goodness for that ottoman.

I'm so exhausted.

Nap Time ~ Again

I love this couch and this crocheted blanket.

I'm exhausted I need a nap

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Chew Toy

Joy went to a Clippers' game with her friend.

She brought me this cool chew toy.

It makes noise when I bite it.

Now Megan is trying to take it away from me.

She's chasing me.

I'll hide in the hallway.

Darn, she caught me.

Nap Time

If I stay really still, do you think they will notice I'm on the couch?

Guess not.

I'm trying to get comfortable. What a great couch.

That flash keeps waking me up.

Thank goodness that ottoman caught me. It's comfortable too.

Cool Chew Toys

Megan is trying to catch me to take away this cool chew toy I found in her room.

Maybe I can hide in that bag.

Oops, no where to run. She's going to take it away.

I found a comfortable place to take a nap. Do you think Megan will notice I found the chew toy and got carried away? I'll just try to look innocent.

Some of the clothes were fun to chew and the wicker clothes basket too.

Joy didn't take it too well. She kicked me out of my comfortable spot.